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Senior Engineering Manager / Head of Engineering

Вакансия № 31676854 в населенном пункте (городе) Ташкент, Узбекистан от компании "Super Dispatch (ООО Software Transport)" на сайте Мультирегиональный Электронный Центр Занятости Населения (ЦЗН).

Логотип (торговая марка, бренд, эмблема, внешний вид здания или внутренний интерьер офиса): Логотип (торговая марка, бренд, эмблема) Super Dispatch (ООО Software Transport)

Организация работает в следующих сферах деятельности: Перевозки, логистика, склад, ВЭД; .

Репутация компании "Super Dispatch (ООО Software Transport)" в отзывах работников:

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Обязательное требование к опыту работы искомого сотрудника: более 6 лет.

График работы: гибкий график.

Тип занятости: полная занятость.

Вакансия № 31676854 добавлена в базу данных: Вторник, 7 мая 2024 года.

Дата обновления этого объявления: Воскресенье, 2 июня 2024 года.

Рейтинг вакансии: 10,34 из 100 баллов

Статистика объявления с вакансией № 31676854 на должность Senior Engineering Manager / Head of Engineering от Super Dispatch (ООО Software Transport)Вакансия № 31676854 прочитана - 3 раз(а)
Отправлено откликов - 0 раз(а)

Вакансии Мультирегионального Центра Занятости Населения в соцсетях и мессенджерах:

Каталог свежих вакансий города (региона) Ташкент

Работодатель может предложить примерно следующую оплату труда: до 10000 USD на вакантной должности "Senior Engineering Manager / Head of Engineering".

Location: Central Asia

About the Role

The Engineering Manager position at Super Dispatch involves overseeing a team of 5-15 direct reports, including engineers and team leads, and contributing to the growth of Super Dispatch products. We are particularly interested in candidates from Central Asian regions.

In this role, collaboration with various departments such as Growth, Operations, Engineering, Data Science, Product, Design, Sales, and Marketing is essential to bring innovative ideas to fruition. Key responsibilities encompass people management, team execution, business value delivery, and technical leadership. As an adept technical leader, and supported by tech leads in your team, you will take ownership of both technical and process-related aspects within your team.

Your onboarding process, guided by your manager, will include mentorship and coaching. Together, you will define success criteria and develop a 3-6-12-month plan aligned with your goals. We strongly believe in empowering managers to guide their teams effectively, enabling rapid growth for team members while fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

What You'll Do

You will collaborate with leadership to create and communicate the vision, high-level roadmap, and technical strategy for your team, ensuring every engineer understands how their project contributes to the company goals. You will set the direction for your engineering team, anticipate strategic and scaling-related challenges via long-term planning. You will measure performance of the team and improve it.

Most of what you'll do can be divided into the following 3 categories.

You will manage people.

  • Coach and mentor.
  • Conduct regular 1-on-1s.
  • Guide career growth and provide development opportunities.
  • Conduct regular performance reviews.
  • Delegate responsibilities.
  • Help build a healthy and collaborative culture rewarding strategic failure as well as success.
  • Ensure team health and knowledge sharing.
  • Identify the headcount needs of your team.
  • Identify technical skills gaps for recruitment and upskilling current team members.
  • Plan and execute the recruitment efforts for your team.
  • Onboard new hires or new team members.
  • Measure velocity and quality of engineers’ contributions and improve it.

You will manage team execution and delivery.

  • You will work with a product manager and the team to draft and distribute well-written requirements into reasonably sized cards. You will define periodic delivery milestones within engineering resource and business requirement constraints. You will validate that the deliverables are meeting product and business requirements before they are released.
  • You will track the team’s efficiency and quality of deliverables at SDLC and regularly adjust processes and timelines to ensure high quality is delivered.
  • You will identify bottlenecks in the process and roadblocks to success for your team and clear these roadblocks.
  • You will monitor execution and delivery for the engineering team, identifying risks and solutions, and driving improvements.
  • You will ensure alignment across teams.

You will provide technical leadership.

  • You will own a large responsibility for producing software that is highly available, monitorable, and maintainable over time.
  • When needed, you will be hands-on in the software development process. You will spend less time writing code, but you will be willing to get your hands dirty to help your team achieve their goals. You will set a high standard on coding, testing, deployment, and monitoring.
  • You will be expected to understand what the team is doing, the details, and the trade-offs the team is making, even if you are not necessarily doing the code reviews or writing the code.
  • You will act as a leader for the technical roadmap of your team.
  • You will identify areas of strategic technical debt, do the cost/benefit analysis for resolving this debt, and communicate suggested timelines for prioritizing this to the management team.
Minimum requirements:

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