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Salesperson of financial and legal services

Вакансия № 37244 от компании "Mundo Ventures S.A." в населенном пункте (городе) Москва в отрасли "Финансы, бухгалтерия, аудит" на сайте мультирегионального Электронного Центра Занятости Населения (ЦЗН).


Актуальные вакансии в экономической сфере труда "Финансы, бухгалтерия, аудит" на портале Электронный Центр занятости населения Финансы, бухгалтерия, аудит; Salesperson of financial and legal services; 100 $USD (9044 руб. РФ).

Introduction One of the Caribbean"s most renowned family office providers is looking for talented salespeople with a burning heart, ready to work with wealthy individuals and their families worldwide. Mundo Lawyers is a part of NTL Wealth which is one of the world’s top providers of citizenship by investment, corporate, financial and banking solutions for high net worth individuals and their lawyers. We have dedicated offices in Panama, Vanuatu, New Zealand, China, St Lucia, Nevis, Grenada and Russia. We also have our own law firm registered in Panama which caters exclusively to our clients. This is staffed by a team of commercial, tax and immigration lawyers specializing in tax residency issues and Panamanian corporate and investment law. We provide a range of services including Corporate services (establishment of trusts and foundations, corporations, bank accounts, financial licences, Banks), Citizenship services (all Caribbean jurisdictions, Vanuatu as well as other jurisdictions) and Panamanian residency. Job Summary You’ll join us as a member of our Sales team supervised by the Head of Sales and supported by a kind-hearted team. The goal of this position is to acquire and assist as many clients as possible interested in financial and legal solutions to protect and increase their assets. All the necessary information is already in place so you can quickly start making sales and earning a commission! There’s a plan of actions, but no one will judge you if you can successfully close deals by your own means. Candidates with past experience or a proven understanding of financial and legal are a major plus. It is likely that you will be able to acquire most of your clients by word of mouth. You made one sale - your client recommended you to a friend - you made another sale. This is why well-developed communication skills are highly valued here, as are persuasion skills. People interested in our services will come to you on their own. Your job is to successfully close each one of them, thereby raising the reputation of the company. Job Responsibilities · Process leads into deals. · Speak English fluently (knowing of the second language such as Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese is desirable) · Ability to offer unique financial and legal solutions to potential clients. · Participation in sales meetings and reviews. · Participation in the meeting with experts on available products · Report on current leads and deals to HR department · 35 working hours per week · Find new agents · Be honest · Be innovative and self-starting! Experience: Salesperson of financial and legal services International law, commercial law (desirable) Compensation 15% commission on all sales. We offer the option to earn a base salary in exchange for less commission after your probationary period and 3-month performance review.

// Mundo Ventures S.A.
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Вакансии Электронного Центра Занятости Населения в соцсетях и мессенджерах:

Общая информация об объявлении с вакансией № 37244 на должность Salesperson of financial and legal services

Регион места работы Москва
Область деятельности (сфера, отрасль) Финансы, бухгалтерия, аудит
Вакансия на должность Salesperson of financial and legal services
График работы/Тип занятости на вакантном месте удаленная работа
Заработная плата 100 $USD / 9044 руб. РФ

Образование, опыт работы предъявляемые компанией по объявлению № 37244 для поиска сотрудника

Опыт работы по специальности (требования к опыту работы искомого сотрудника) 2 года

Дополнительные навыки, предъявляемые работодатем к претенденту на вакантную должность

Знание иностранных языков (требования к знанию иностранных языков) английский - свободно

Информация о работодателе, разместившем вакансию № 37244

Название организации* (компании, фирмы, ИП) Mundo Ventures S.A.
Ф.И.О. контактного лица представителя работодателя* Anastasia Kovalevskaya
E-mail (электронная почта для получения справок по вакансии № 37244) [email protected] | Отправить сообщение >>
Контактный телефон(ы) прямого работодателя +375336133037
Веб-сайт работодателя (корпоративный сайт с подробной информацией о работодателе) https://mundo.expert/

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